Nicholas Michaud

Nick Michaud is from the New Hampshire Seacoast but was born in Bangor, Maine. Nick attended the University of New England for both undergraduate and graduate school.
Nick’s interest in pharmacy was sparked by his many extended family members who work in the medical field. His interest in administration and leadership began with involvement in school activities and on several sports teams. Participation matriculated into leadership roles at school, within organizations, on teams, and at work and is something he is hoping to continue throughout his pharmacy career. While on an administration APPE rotation at PCHC with former Chief Pharmacy Officer Felicity Homsted, it became clear that a health systems administration residency was best aligned with his interests.
Throughout school and APPE clinical rotations Nick also developed a strong interest in ambulatory and direct patient care. He found the opportunity to gain additional training and experience in both administration and ambulatory care at PCHC is well suited for his aspirations.