Khristene Welch

Khris Welch is originally from Arlington, Texas. She graduated from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey in 2011 with two Bachelors of Science, in Animal Science and Biochemistry. She began working at Beacon Prescriptions, an independent pharmacy in New Britain, Connecticut where she developed a passion for pharmacy. After working for a few years, she began pharmacy school at University of Saint Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut and graduated in 2017.
Following graduation, she completed her PGY-1 Community Pharmacy Residency at Penobscot Community Health Care and is excited for the opportunity to continue on in a PGY-2 in Ambulatory Care. Her passion for ambulatory care, geriatrics, and medication safety has resulted in work including collaboration with another resident to develop and present an antibiotic stewardship program for use in long-term care, presentations on medication disposal and controlled substance prescribing practices in long-term care, and initiation of a pharmacy-led heart failure education clinic.