Michela Fiori

Michela Fiori is a former PGY1 Pharmacy Resident at Penobscot Community Health Care. Born and raised in Maine, Michela became interested in pharmacy at a young age as she watched her father and mother build and operate their chain of independent pharmacies which serviced long-term care facilities and the general public for over 10 years. As a child she carefully observed her father, a pharmacist, and in doing so developed a keen understanding of the positive impact a pharmacist can make as well as a passion for patient advocacy.
Michela studied chemistry/pre-pharmacy at Husson University and received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Husson University School of Pharmacy. While in pharmacy school, Michela worked as a pharmacy student intern at Penobscot Community Health Care. In her role as a student intern, she gained experience working with patients to help them understand their medications and manage their health optimally. Throughout her clinical student pharmacist rotations, she developed a passion for working directly with patients, specifically the elderly population.
She is thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the patients and health care professionals at Penobscot Community Health Care again in her new role as a pharmacist. Michela is determined to become an integral part of the outstanding team at Penobscot Community Health Care to provide quality health care services. Michela takes great pride in her role as a pharmacist and is enthusiastic about being involved in educating the public about the value pharmacists can bring to the primary care setting as we continue to work towards pharmacist provider status. Outside of pharmacy, Michela is passionate about singing and music, and she enjoys nature, jogging and antique automobiles.