Chelsea Magee

Chelsea received both her Bachelor’s in Pharmaceutical Sciences and her Doctorate of Pharmacy while at Northeastern University in Boston, MA over the last 5 years. Chelsea has experience working in both clinical and community settings from Mount Auburn Hospital and Harvard University Health Services Pharmacy, both in Cambridge, MA. During clinical rotations, Chelsea developed a passion for primary and ambulatory care pharmacy, particularly in areas with higher populations of people that have difficulty accessing health care. Chelsea is delighted to be receiving additional training at PCHC as it is a Federally Qualified Health Center and a Patient Centered Medical Home and offers many opportunities in medication management both through work with fellow health care professionals and work with the patients themselves.
Chelsea was a Pharmacy resident at PCHC from 2014-2016, and then the PCHC Pharmacy Operations Manager and Residency Director from 2016-2018. She is currently working as the Pharmacy Manager at Fairfield Hospital – Cleveland Clinic.